A Different Me

October 14, 2007

With a title like that I’m sure you think this post is going to be inspiring.

I’m sure you think it’s going to be about how I have changed in so many ways, my new outlook on life, about the true necessities of life and how my heart has opened more than I could have ever dreamed it would be opened. But the truth is, it’s not about that this time.

I just smell.

Really, I do. It’s been almost two days since I last bathed. The crazy thing is, it just feels normal now.

If you knew me, really, really knew me, you would have bet this would never happen. Ever.

I have been known to take three showers in one day. In the states, I always shower before I go to bed. Always. That’s not the story here.

Since arriving at St. Monica’s, I have not bathed before bed… not once. I could if I wanted to, it would be freezing shower water. There is no hot water here, remember.

So, after the morning chores, I get a bucket of hot water to bathe myself. I call this the bucket bath. I am so grateful for this bucket bath! I don’t think I could ever get used to cold showers. I am truly spoiled.

The girls shower at 5:30 in the cold morning with extremely cold water every school day. I am in awe. I am going to look into solar powered water heater so they can have hot water and not cost the orphanage upkeep.

So back to the different me. I stink and I just don’t care.

It’s funny how quickly my priorities changed. My clothes are dirty. I smell. And the girls still want to cuddle up and be loved.

They have the right priorities, don’t you think?

5 Responses to “A Different Me”

  1. Faith said

    I’m sure you just smell like love to them. 🙂

  2. Shoefreak (Cathy) said

    You go with your bad-smellin’ self! I think a solar powered water heater is a great idea. It will go well with some solar powered lights :).

  3. I’m so glad you wrote this because believe it or not, that is what kept me from thinking I could do this too. I too shower before bed and I keep wondering if I could handle being dirty. Isn’t it crazy how such a trivial thing needs to be faced. This post, as simple as it is, might mean more to me than most because it tells me I have hope, maybe I can do it too.

  4. i knew about water heaters at solar,they are great

  5. Neat page!! i will come back soon:D

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